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Giuseppe Gori




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A history of thinking ahead, and innovation

  1. He was part of first group of students to graduate in Computer Science in Italy (University of Pisa 1973). His diploma was displayed at the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.

  2. First thesis and dissertation on communication between heterogeneous IBM and HP computers (1973, before computers from different manufacturers were able to communicate).

  3. First Computer Science graduate in Italy hired at the IBM Scientific Center in Pisa, Italy.

  4. Member of first research group in Italy (RPCNET project) to connect Italian universities through packet switching for file sharing, messaging, and remote login. (Work published at the Conference on “Dissemination of Information” sponsored by the IEEE and the ACM, in the republic of San Marino, 1976.)

  5. Member of first group to develop a peer-to-peer packet switching network and routers, alternative to the ARPA network, before the internet (IBM, Italy, 1977).

  6. First to develop macros allowing compilation of Intel 8086 code for an 8080 microprocessor. (IBM Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1978)

  7. First (in the last 950 years) to propose a new language for reading and writing music. (See

  8. First to implement X.25 packet switching on IBM machines and Intel microprocessors (IBM Canada, 1980).

  9. First to propose a model for a Distributed Information Bank (Proceedings of Communication in Distributed Systems, Berlin, 1983).

  10. First to automatize a manufacturing assembly line using a 386 PC running software developed in C, instead of the state of the art PLCs using low-level languages (Ferretti S.p.a., Italy, 1990).

  11. First to identify the STING curve in macro economics (1999 - See

  12. First and only to design and develop a sensor-controlled Swimming treadmill (2001, See

  13. First prize winner at an international competition organized by Innocentive, to design a future clothes washing technology. Together with his older brother, 87 years old at the time, designed a single washing/drying machine that uses steam at room temperature using much less energy and water than traditional washing machines (2014,

  14. First to fully explain some well known paradoxes (See

  15. First to show the mathematical impossibility of evolution through random mutations (See:

  16. First to propose a theory explaining background cosmic radiation as coming from a single singularity point (2015, See:

  17. First to design a cooperative consensus protocol for unpermissioned crypto-networks (MARPLE, 2015. See: A solution in this field (the Byzantine generals problem) had been pursued by academics and world researchers since the early 80's. 

  18. First to propose a stabilized, rebased currency value when the demand for a digital currency increases, to achieve more stable prices (2015. See:

  19. First to design a general polling mechanism on unpermissioned crypto-networks, weighted according to currency holdings, and usable for network governance (2015. See:

  20. First to conceive and design the addressability and unique identification of users, devices and nodes in a public, unpermissioned crypto-network (2016, See the BRUD Architecture at:

  21. First to design a wearable blockchain device, the BRDG  (2016, See:

  22. First to identify the limits of Ethereum Smart Contracts, and propose general distributed applications (GApps) for unpermissioned crypto-networks (2017, See:

Giuseppe is currently working on a new-generation crypto-network, which will provide free financial transaction service to any device in the world connected to the internet. See

He has also written an Identity Model for the blockchain and a General Application Architecture for the blockchain and is working on the design of several general applications (GApps).

Giuseppe Gori

     ...Is a father of four and a grandfather of six. Has been married to Greer for 37 years.

Giuseppe has a doctor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, Italy (1973).  He has extensive experience in the computer industry and has held several technical positions with IBM at the Scientific Center in Pisa, Italy and at the IBM Development Lab in Don Mills, Canada. Subsequently he worked as a communication consultant with Canada Systems Group and as a Senior Analyst with GEAC Computers, before starting his own consulting company (Gori Canada Diffusion, Inc.) in 1985.

Giuseppe was a voting member of the Technical Committee on Open Systems of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), a past Chairman of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Canadian Working Group on Systems Management for Open Distributed Processing.

He has been an Assistant Professor for three years at the University of Pisa, Italy and a visiting professor at the University of Western Ontario teaching a graduate course in Open Systems.

Gori Canada Diffusion provides technical consulting, offers web site hosting and development.

In 2004 Giuseppe started Central Dynamics, Inc., for the manufacturing and sales of innovating products, such as the "RIVER pool": a swimming treadmill: While swimming in-place, the water flow automatically adjusts to the swimmer’s speed.

His company developed, sold and installed an innovative, real time, memory based, software solution for the automation of a manufacturing assembly line.

In addition to many short term contracts, he participated in long term contracts with Bell Canada and Unitel (now AT&T Canada), working on packet switching, networking architecture and peer-to peer  communication.

Giuseppe is currently working on a new-generation crypto-network, which will provide free financial transaction service to any device in the world connected to the internet. Gorbyte will provide the Distributed Operating Environment for the blockchain applications of the future.

New products and inventions:
Giuseppe and his brother, a mechanical engineer, have designed several innovative products, for water movement and energy production.
Recently (May 2014) they won an international award among 584 contestants around the world for the invention of a new clothes washing technology that will replace both washer and dryer, uses very little water, much less detergent and operates at room temperature. The machine does not need a "spin cycle" and does not use heat, thus reducing energy consumption and damage to the clothes.

"Design and Implementation of software for a Distributed Control Computer Network", Giuseppe Gori and Mauro Maier, Conference on “Dissemination of Information” sponsored by the IEEE and the ACM, San Marino, 1976.
"A connectivity and integrity protocol for a Distributed Information Bank", Proceedings of Communication in Distributed Systems conference, Berlin, 1983.

Published a book on a new model for the economic activity of government by the title: "Economic Optimalism". He has made presentations on Economic Optimalism at the Leadership Institute in Washington, DC and to taxpayers' groups.

Published theory and practice music books for children to learn how to play piano using a revolutionary visual method.

Social involvement:
Giuseppe has been the Leader of the Family Coalition Party of Ontario for ten years. In this function, he participated in debates, was invited to many speaking engagements and has been interviewed by major media in Canada and in the US. In 2007 he was responsible for running 87 candidates across Ontario.


Giuseppe's detailed technical resume

Giuseppe Started Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa and then switched to the new Faculty of Computer Science the year it was established. He was one of the first to graduate as a doctor in Computer Science (1973). He discussed a thesis on communication between heterogeneous computers.

In November 1973 he started working as a researcher at the IBM Scientific Center in Pisa. He worked on the development of RPCNET. More specifically he worked on the communication modules required for the MVS/VS2 operating system to communicate with other IBM machines. RPCNET was the first packet switching network in Italy, and connected several Italian Universities. A paper describing their work: "Design and Implementation of software for a Distributed Control Computer Network", authored by Giuseppe Gori and Mauro Maier, was selected for the conference on “Dissemination of Information” sponsored by the IEEE and the ACM, in the republic of San Marino, 1976.

He then worked on the design and development of packet switching software (precursor of TCP/IP) for an IBM Series/1 computer, in order for it to function as a “network node” (today a router).

He was Assistant Professor for three years at the University of Pisa, teaching a basic required course on "Theory and Applications of Computing Machines".

In 1978 he moved to Canada and joined the IBM Development Lab in Don Mills, ON. Here he worked as a Senior Communication Analyst on the design and development of two projects adding packet switching support to IBM systems (Series/1 and 5251), just before the release of the IBM PC.

Subsequently he worked as a communication consultant with Canada Systems Group and developed a model for a distributed database over a packet switching network. His research paper: "A connectivity and integrity protocol for a Distributed Information Bank", was published in the proceedings of Communication in Distributed Systems conference proceedings, Berlin, 1983.

He then joined GEAC Computers in Markham, ON., as a Senior Analyst working in the company’s communication development group. Among other projects, he developed a network management application for their computers, which at the time included proprietary hardware and software sold to financial institutions and public libraries around the world.

He started his own consulting company in 1985 (GCD, Inc.). At the time, he was a voting member of the Technical Committee on Open Systems of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and the Chairman of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Canadian Working Group on Open Distributed Processing - Systems Management.

He was invited as a visiting professor, at the University of Western Ontario, where he taught a graduate course on Open Systems Interconnection for one semester.

As he continued consulting, he had the opportunity of working on long term contracts, for several years, with two of the top communication companies in Toronto, Bell Canada and Unitel (later renamed AT&T Canada).

He first worked for Bell Canada on several projects, including the development of a communication network architecture and the review of a Unix based, multi-user product.

He then worked for Unitel on the planning, network design and testing of a secure network over TCP/IP developed by Unitel and deployed at a major Canadian Financial institution. For this project he produced and implemented an Acceptance Test Plan and Acceptance Test Procedures for their network equipment, which included routers and specialized DES encryption devices.

His experiences include working on several shorter term contracts during the late 90’s. These included:

  • a project for the Government of Ontario, for their migration to a Client/Server approach, which included the design of a new Database schema for the migration of their (Ingres) Database;

  • a study for the Government of Ontario, for the integration of their hybrid network onto a CISCO-based backbone network;

  • a contract for GN Navtel, for the development of software for the Navtel 7090 network analyzer to support the ISDN BRI protocol;

  • a major project for Ferretti, for the automation of an assembly line. This project, for which GCD inc. was the only contractor, used an innovative design that included Allen-Bradley communication adapters, but replaced their Programmable Controllers with a single PC, reducing the cost and adding functionality and “memory” for the control of the assembly line.

He then was a partner and project leader in a start-up company that developed the graphic software for a touch-screen Point of Sale terminal, in partnership with NCR, which provided the hardware.

In 2004 Giuseppe started Central Dynamics, Inc. in Guntersville, Alabama for the development of innovating products, such as the "River pool": a swimming treadmill that can be used for exercise, rehabilitation and training. While swimming in-place, the water flow automatically adjusts to the swimmer’s speed.

He continued his involvement in systems development through, an internet venture which provided internet connection services, web design and communication services.

Recently he developed, in cooperation with his older brother, a new clothes washing technology, as a response to an international challenge issued by InnoCentive. For this invention, not yet introduced in the market, he and his brother received the top award and prize, among hundreds of contestants around the world.

Giuseppe is currently working on a new-generation crypto-network which will provide free financial transaction service to any device in the world connected to the internet. Gorbyte will provide the Distributed Operating Environment for the blockchain applications of the future (GApps). See: